Affectively designed? In search of affect within human-technodigital objects’ encounters

Julia Krzesicka
(University of Warsaw)

Taking the thesis of Anna Malinowska and Toby Miller about the current phenomenon of “increasing emotionality of the media world and its infrastructures” (Malinowska & Miller, 2017, p. 660) as a point of reference, I want to explore further this phenomenon in context of human-technodigital objects’ encounters, especially those where the voice interface is being used. Defining affect as pre-social intensity that modifies, I will try to look for new affective forms of human-technodigital objects’ encounters and ask questions about the possibility of designing an affect, and about what it could mean.

Julia Krzesicka is a PhD Student within the Nature-Culture Program at University of Warsaw, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”.