Joanna Bednarek
(Independent Researcher)
The theme of the indifference of the world is central to both contemporary realism (Quentin Meillassoux, Ray Brassier, Graham Harman, Eugene Thacker) and contemporary materialism (Thomas Nail, Karen Barad, Patricia MacCormack). Both tend to present human perspective and concerns as, following H.P. Lovecraft, a “misbegotten accident of space”. However, the theme is interpreted very differently, almost antithetically, mostly because of the serious ontological divergences between these two philosophical currents. Although they are often conflated, I am convinced we would be better off paying more attention to the differences between them. I would thus like to show, firstly, what the main ontological divergence consists of (the main points of contention are the presence of the concept of matter and the status of thought), and secondly, how it is being expressed in the affects produced by both currents (because I argue that philosophy produces not only concepts, but also, like art, affects). Whereas in realism the theme of the indifference of the world is being expressed mostly by the affects of malevolence and performative despair, in materialism it is being expressed by the affects of overwhelm and cruel affirmation.
Joanna Bednarek – philosopher, writer and translator. Member of the editorial board of the journal „Praktyka Teoretyczna”. Author of the books „Politics Beyond Form. Ontological determinations of poststructuralist political philosophy”, „Lines of Femininity. How Sexual Difference Transformed Literature and Philosophy?”, „Life that Speaks. Modern Community and Animals”, and „Origin of the Family”. She translated (among others) Rosi Braidotti, Donna Haraway and Karen Barad. Collaborator of „Krytyka Polityczna” in the years 2006-2009. Her fields of interest are: poststructuralism, feminism, autonomist marxism and literature.